Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Help, I need somebody….

Little Bear signs “help!”

One of her newest signs. It’s not “accurate” but it’s definitely what she means!

Monday, May 23, 2011

First walk to the mailbox.

I know I’ve been slacking lately. Work has been sucking the life out of me and Little Bear has been sick which means that at the end of the day, Mama is out of energy. So I’ll pick up here and tell you all that in the past few days, Little Bear has become a WALKER! She’s been taking steps for a month or so now, but only recently has she seemed to prefer walking as her mode of transportation. Tonight we walked to the mailbox together. She had to stop and look at EVERYTHING, from sticks and flowers to her feet and her shadow. The curb was very exciting and we practiced going up and down several times until I got tired! The driveways cut into the sidewalk were a bit of a challenge (the slope threw off her balance) but she enjoyed it and the entire trip (maybe 25 yards) only took about that many minutes!

Walk 1



Walk 2

Only one slightly skinned knee (which I feel TERRIBLE) about…

First skinned knee

But a Hello Kitty Band-Aid from Auntie M made it all better!

All better

Monday, May 16, 2011

Slightly late on this one…

Happy 12 months, Little Bear! You’re not looking so little next to that bear anymore…

12 months

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Not that you’d know it from the hailstorms we were having today. Grandpa was nice enough to take Little Bear both days this weekend so Papa and I could finish, fill, and plant our raised beds. We planted peas, peppers (sweet and hot), eggplant, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, chives, leeks, sweet onions, green onions, garlic, red leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, endives, beans, and…. I think that’s it. Whew!




In other news, I pulled this from an article (secondhand) today:

"Honor your daughter’s choices. She is physically small, but feels as big as you inside."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

More pretend play… and puzzles!

Little Bear is a genius, and I can say that because I’m her mother. But she’s already starting to do puzzles and, while she can’t quite get the pieces in the right spots, she matches up the animals every time!

Puzzle 2

Baby Desk


Friday, May 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First baby doll

We got Little Bear a baby doll today with some of her birthday money. She absolutely loves it and has been carrying it around for the last 30 minutes. She puts it on the floor, covers it with a blanket, pats it on the bum, and picks it up again. So sweet!

Dolls on Floor

Holding Doll


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hard worker

Little Bear just loves her new kitchen set… she stands there and puts things in cupboards, then takes them out. Puts them in, and takes them out.



Then she rests in Papa’s lap.

Papas Lap

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy birthday, Little Bear.

Well, we made it a year. As you might imagine, I have spent a lot of time over the last few days thinking about this past year and what it has held for our family. A year used to seem like such a long time. Everything could happen in a year and the time between Christmases seemed like an eternity. And then you get older and time sort of speeds up a bit until you have a baby.

Those first moments with that little one, the quiet minutes in the hospital between 3 and 4am when all you can hear are whirring machines and muted voices in the hallway, in those moments a year still seems like forever. It is inconceivable in that instant that this tiny person will one day laugh, walk, talk, make decisions, refuse to eat anything but yogurt and black olives... life simply stops and those tiny breaths and the soft fluttery eyelids are literally your entire world.

But then morning comes and more guests show up to meet this little person and the story of your life continues to write itself. This little pink person suddenly starts to notice their world and, better yet, notice you! There is no laughter yet but you will do anything to make those eyes sparkle. You agonize over ounces, rock until your arms tingle, and hang on every new milestone as if this little baby was the first in the world to sit up and roll over.

And before you know it, a year has passed. I spent my day at my daughter's first birthday party and just marveled over the speed at which this year has gone. Yes, I have had my share of endless wakeful nights and she was sick for almost two months which might as well have been two years... but I remain breathless at the speed of time.

So today I say this to you, Little Bear, before another night passes and I forget to write something down. You are my world. Everything about you is equally amazing and beautiful and I am so blessed to be your mom. You have changed so much in the last year and watching you today was breathtaking. You are walking on your own, starting to say words, and constantly interacting with everyone and everything around you. You are so strong and independent and everyone who meets you is just drawn in by your personality, your smile, your eyes. I wish an endless childhood for you, full of days like today where you are surrounded by people who love you and the world seems to stretch out into eternity. Thank you doesn't come close to covering it so I will say "I love you" and hope that those words, with all the gratitude and awe and peace that come with them, suffice.

Happy birthday, Little Bear.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Old picture

Neither my camera or my card reader are cooperating with me so here’s an old picture of Little Bear. I can’t believe she’ll be one this Saturday!

Sun Hat